Connect Online Community

Manage/Add a New Group

Create groups by committees, topics, open forums, and more.

This guide will show you how to create a new group and manage the settings of an existing group.

To edit a group, click on My Groups on the left hand menu under My Group Pages,  and then choose the group to be edited. To create a new group, click on Create a Group. The Create a New Group editor will open.

As a Super User, you can go to the Admin area and on the left menu go to Groups.

Here you can see ALL the groups that have been found during your AMS integration.

The groups that are disabled will be greyed out.

Click on the group you would like to edit.

Next, once in the Group Overview page, click on Edit Profile.

First is the General tab; the basic information for the new group.

  1. Used to create a subgroup; new group under an existing group name. Begin typing the name and a list of available options will populate.
  2. Group Name: Enter the name of the new group.
  3. Group Description: Enter group description; this will be shown on the group’s “profile” page.
  4. Vanity Email: custom email; usually the name of the company requesting demo (
  5. Background Image: Image will be shown in the top background area of the group’s pages; banner size.
  6. Group Type: Use the drop down menu to select from the options (association, task force, subscription, committee).
  7. Aux Group Type: Normal or Open Forum
  8. Delete: Leave as No for new creation.
  9. Allow Finding: Yes
  10. Save Profile.

Next: Access Settings