Connect Online Community

User Blogs and Group News

Allow members to add their blog to their profile and share it with the community.

The process is similar to adding the news RSS feed to the community.

How to Enable User Blogs

Navigate to Admin, click on Organization on the left hand menu, from the drop down select Manage Settings. In the Security Tab, scroll down to Enable User Blogs and select Yes. Scroll down to Directory Access and make sure Recent Blogs have the permissions you want (Public, association members only, private).

Members can then add their blog feed to their profile or write a direct entry under the Blog tab.

To add a personal blog a member must go to their Profile, then Update Profile, go to Personal tab and enter the RSS Feed to their personal blog.

The blog posts will appear and automatically update every time you make a new entry wherever your blog is hosted. The entries will be displayed on the homepage of the community where other members can read it.