Notifications Tab
These options affect system wide settings and can only be edited by Admin or Super-Users. To access, navigate to the Admin tab on the top right corner. In the User Menu click on Organization, from the drop down select Manage Settings.
Admin> Organization> Manage Settings> Notifications
On the Notifications Tab, you can edit the following:
- Enable Push Notifications
- Enable Instant Messaging
- Enable Email Direct Reply
- Email Sender of Discussions
- Email Sender of Messages
- Temporarily Disable All Notifications: Yes: Disables all forms of email communication for all users. No: Email communications will be sent.
- Ignore Emails with these Phrases: Any email received by the system using phrases entered in this field will be blocked. (Note: Phrases need to be separated by the character “|”, known as a vertical bar.)
- Discussion Reply Line
- Message Reply Line
- Group Discussion Approval: No Approval: Members of groups can create discussions without an administrator’s approval. Administrative Approval: Groups need an administrator's approval to create a discussion. Note: these settings exist per group and can override the organization’s settings.
- Moderators: List of moderators. Moderators control and overlook discussions within groups. These users will receive convenient emails for moderating discussions.
- Email Formatting
- Enable Group Email Updates: Yes: Changes or posts (other than in discussions) made to the group will prompt an email to be sent to the group members. No: Changes and posts will not prompt an email.
- Universal From Email:
- Min Email Image Size: Images in email will be ignored if under the size specifications.