Connect Online Community

Online Community

Moderation Guide

How to Setup Moderation Tutorial Video

Learn to assign moderators for different groups and how to approve or deny posts and messages from your members.

Set moderation at the organizational level, group level or individual. At any time you can choose to turn on Administrative approval for each post that is made in the community or groups. Then select a moderator to receive the post before it is published to all members. The moderator(s) can review it and proceed to approve or deny it.

Turn on Community Moderation

From the web portal, access Admin on the top right corner. In the Administration Home Page, click on Group Discussion Tools or Moderate Discussions.

Or you can use the left menu> Manage Settings> Organization> Notifications.

Enable or Disable Moderation effects system wide moderation settings.

In the Notifications tab, scroll down to Group Discussion Approval, select Administration Approval and type the name of the person who will be moderator. Again, this will affect ALL groups in the community.

You can choose one or more users to be moderators. Moderators do not have to be admin or super user, but in that case, they would have to moderate exclusively through email and they cannot edit others posts.

Group Moderation

To choose a moderator for an existing group, go to the group’s main page and select Update Profile. Go to the Access tab and type the name of the person who will moderate the group discussions. Group profile has multiple moderators that can be assigned.

Individual Moderation

You can also moderate discussions by individual/user. To turn on, in the admin area, go to Lookup/Add account> type person’s name or email> on the person’s profile, go to the Account tab and select Yes to Post Require Approval.

Members who require approval before posting will see this message.


When someone posts a discussion and they need admin approval. The moderator(s) will receive an email with links that will launch a reply window and you just hit "send".  The system will then approve or reject based upon your choice.

Moderators who are regular members must approve/reject via email. They also have the option to private message the author of the post.

The moderator who is a Super User will also receive a notification when logged into the community. To view the Moderation queue  go to Admin, then Moderate Discussions. Here you can see any pending posts and you have the option to Remove, Approve it as is, or Edit the content.

A Super User also has the ability to move a discussion to a different group or thread. You may do it from the Moderation queue screen, by changing the Group or Parent Topic:


After a discussion has been approved or posted, super users can make edits or change the group by clicking on Edit on the parent topic, and from the dropdown selecting a different group: