Connect Online Community

Launch Consideration for Discussions

Moderation Tutorial Video

Discussion Moderation

When launching you may want to enable Administrative Moderation.  This can be done by going to the Administrative area (Admin link from any page in Connect).  Next visit Organization > Manage Settings

Under the Networking tab you can enable Moderation and set the Moderators:

Performing Moderation

Moderators specified in the settings will receive email notifications for each post that is sent online or from email.  They can reply to the moderation email to approve or reject; or they can visit the web application and use the Discussion Approval screen to moderate in bulk.

Group Specific Moderation

While updating Group profiles, you can also specify multiple moderators to receive email notifications.  Unless they are a super user, they will not be able to access the bulk area in the web application for moderation; however, they can still moderate via email notifications.

Email Controls

Configuring Ignored Phrases

While in the Organization Settings screen, in the Access Tab: you can adjust “Ignore Emails with these Phrases”; typically used for Out of the Office and Vacation related auto responders. The | character is used for separation of phrases.

Disabling Emails Temporarily

Should something go awry with emails being sent out, you can disable ALL emails in the system temporarily until the issue is investigated and resolved, by setting “Temporarily Disable All Notifications” to “Yes”.  Note: emails already queued on the mail server for sending, will continue to be sent.  This prevents new emails from being queued for sending.